The brand history

The brand history of Frequency is one that began as a simple tattoo and evolved into a vibrant and creative endeavor. In 2015, while traveling in South America, the founder, Dennis, got a tattoo of a vortex watch. This tattoo symbolized the high vibrational portal spiral of life, reminding him of the joy of exploring new places, spending time with loved ones, and embracing the beauty of nature. This tattoo sparked an idea in Dennis’s mind, and he decided to create a t-shirt featuring a big blue vortex. With this t-shirt, Dennis took the first step in establishing his brand, which he named Frequency. As time passed, Frequency became more than just a clothing brand. It transformed into a platform for creativity and collaboration. Dennis’s passion for environmental sustainability led him to expand the range of products under the Frequency umbrella. Today, the brand offers environmentally friendly clothes, art, music, and more. What sets Frequency apart is its commitment to fostering partnerships with talented artists and friends. Through these collaborations, Frequency has been able to create epic experiences and bring amazing creations to life. By joining forces with inspiring and like-minded individuals, Frequency has built a community that celebrates art, creativity, and the joy of living life to the fullest. In conclusion, the brand history of Frequency is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and the pursuit of a meaningful vision. From a simple tattoo to a thriving brand that encompasses various forms of art, Frequency continues to grow and make its mark in the world. With its environmentally friendly products and dedication to collaboration, Frequency is poised to leave a positive impact on both the artistic community and the planet.


Frequency is a concept derived from the vibrational nature of all beings on Earth. It refers to the distinctive rate at which these vibrations occur. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as fear-mongering propaganda, unhealthy dietary habits, and exposure to toxins, the frequency at which individuals vibrate tends to be relatively low. However, by adopting certain practices, individuals have the potential to elevate their vibrational frequency and enhance their overall well-being. One significant factor in increasing frequency is adopting a healthy lifestyle, including consuming nutritious food and beverages. Such choices provide the essential building blocks for maintaining optimal bodily functions. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activity, such as sports, not only promotes physical health but also positively influences mental well-being. Meditation is another valuable practice that can improve an individual’s frequency. By allowing the mind to enter a state of deep relaxation and focus, meditation helps to quiet the noise and distractions of everyday life. This, in turn, allows individuals to connect with their inner selves and experience a higher vibrational state. Nature has a remarkable ability to recalibrate and restore our frequency. Spending time outdoors, particularly in natural environments, helps ground us and allows us to reconnect with the Earth’s energy. Being in nature encourages a sense of tranquility and harmony within us, positively impacting our vibrational frequency. Moreover, various techniques like listening to binaural beats and employing positive affirmations can help reprogram our subconscious mind. These methods enhance our thought patterns, promote self-confidence, and foster a positive mindset, ultimately leading to an increase in vibrational frequency. Lastly, it is crucial to shield oneself from external influences that may negatively impact frequency. The mainstream media and constant exposure to news often contribute to feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress. By consciously limiting exposure to these external forces and focusing on positive and uplifting sources of information, individuals can maintain a higher vibrational state. In conclusion, frequency, the measurable rate of vibration for all beings on Earth, is influenced by various factors such as diet, lifestyle choices, meditation, connection with nature, and positive affirmations. By prioritizing these practices and protecting ourselves from negative influences, individuals can align themselves with their higher selves and ascend to a higher, more fulfilling life.

It's all about frequencies